St. Paul Lutheran Church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ.
Connecting People to Jesus
Our first parents may have brought sin into God’s perfect creation, but our God became fully human in the person of Jesus to live, suffer, die, and rise on our behalf. At St. Paul, it is our mission to give the gifts of Jesus to you, connecting you to the death and resurrection of Jesus in Word and Sacrament.

Connecting People to Each Other
To be a member of the church is to be a member of the Body of Christ. This is not a metaphor; at St. Paul, we connect you to fellow members of the Body of Christ, uplifting and strengthening each other for the work that each is called to do.
Connecting People to their Neighbors through Acts of Service
You are made righteous in the eyes of God as a pure gift, completely apart from any works that you do. Being set free in this way, it is our mission to share God’s love with our neighbors through acts of love and service, following the example of our Lord.