We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ. You won’t find any perfect people here; just ones who are loved and forgiven by God.
Join us on Sunday for either 8:15 or 11 am service. There is an education hour at 9:45 am where we offer classes for preschool through adult, with a staffed nursery.

How Do I Become A Member?
If you are interested in becoming a member at St. Paul Lutheran Church, contact the church office for a welcome packet! We offer a “St. Paul 101” class several times a year to learn more about our congregation and steps towards membership.

Connect to Jesus
Worship God together and grow through His teachings

Connect to Each Other
Join a Bible study and grow in your faith through fellowship

Connect to Neighbors through act of service
Learn how you can serve in the community
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the style of worship?
All worship at St. Paul is designed for the people of God to receive the gifts of God, and to offer back a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. Both of our Sunday services offer traditional liturgy with Holy Communion.
Is nursery provided?
We provide a fully staffed nursery for children two months old through Pre-K. A nursery child caregiver will take your information to enter in our check-in system and provide you with a pager that will alert you should you be needed.
Are children welcome in worship?
Absolutely! Children learn so much from attending worship with their parents. We provide children’s bulletins which are located on tables just before you enter the sanctuary. Children age 3 and under are welcome both in worship and in the Kids Korner Nursery.
What should I wear to service?
We welcome you as you are – there is no dress code. You will see some of our members wearing casual clothing and others wearing more formal clothing.